I will be running games on Friday September 23 and Saturday September 24 at the annual Barrage convention in Havre de Grace, Maryland put on by the Harford Area Weekly Kriegspielers (the HAWKS). 

The Struggle for Omaruru (German South West Africa, 1904)

 Historical Period: Colonial   

Time: Friday, September 23, 3 PM;   Length: 4 hrs  

No. of Players: 6

GM: Roy Jones                                      

Scale: 25mm

Rules: The Sword and the Flame (Modified)         

The Hereros hold the German garrison town of Omaruru; the Kaiser wants it back! But Herero riflemen are defending in depth from stone fieldworks and strong points, with their usual courage and skill. A tough job awaits Hauptmann Franke's elite 2nd Feldkompagnie. From the scenario book "The Herero War". More at:

The Trenches of Onganjira (German South West Africa, 1904)

 Historical Period: Colonial   

Time: Saturday, September 24, 3 PM;   Length: 4 hrs  

No. of Players: 6

GM: Roy Jones                                      

Scale: 25mm

Rules: The Sword and the Flame (Modified)         

The German Main Column is trying to destroy Herero forces based in the valley of the Onganjira. The Hereros have blocked the valley at its narrowest section with a fortified trench line. As the Germans try to outflank the line, entrenched Hereros open fire and charge out! It's a melee and a gunfight at Onganjira. Bring your wits, plenty of ammo, and as much guts as you've got - this ain't gonna be no picnic, bud! From the scenario book "The Herero War". More at:

Copyright  Dr. Roy S. Jones, Jr,  2006-2025