F-137 Liewenberg, Part 1: Assaulting the South Height! (German South-West Africa, 1904)

Historical Period: Colonial                                                                        Time: Friday, 7 PM;   Length: 4 hrs                                                              No. of Players:  6                                                                                        GM: Roy Jones with Eric Alvarado                                                                Scale: 25mm;  Rules: The Sword and the Flame (Modified)                   Sponsor: Recreational Conflict 

Sailors of the Landungskorps SMS “Habicht” find their advance along the Swakop River Valley blocked by concealed Hereros in elevated, boulder fighting positions. A Herero-occupied hill south of the river dominates the entire battlefield and must be neutralized. The Battle of Liewenberg starts with a struggle for the South Height! From the scenario book "The Herero War". More at

S-138 Liewenberg, Part 2: Hitting the Main Line! (German South-West Africa, 1904)

Historical Period: Colonial                                                                        Time: Saturday, 7 PM;   Length: 4 hrs                                                              No. of Players:  6                                                                                        GM: Roy Jones with Eric Alvarado                                                                Scale: 25mm;  Rules: The Sword and the Flame (Modified)                   Sponsor: Recreational Conflict 

German sailors took a beating in their first assault at Liewenberg. But now the sailors have more men, high morale...and a Revolver cannon! Herero riflemen, however, still hold the high ground. And they fight concealed behind nearly impregnable rock. Somebody - German or Herero - is definitely going to get hurt at Liewenberg. From the scenario book "The Herero War". More at:

( For a detailed historical account of the Battle of Liewenberg,  go to my essay "THE LANDUNGSKORPS SMS 'HABICHT' IN SOUTH-WEST AFRICA" on this website).

Copyright  Dr. Roy S. Jones, Jr,  2006-2025