FALL IN! 2013 

F-188 The Marines at Okaharui (German South-West Africa, 1904)

Historical Period: Colonial

Time: Friday, 2 PM;   Length: 4 hrs

No. of Players: 6 

GM: Roy Jones with Eric Alvarado

Scale: 25mm;   Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified)

German Marines and Schutztruppen are moving in column through incredibly thick thorn bushes, in pursuit of Herero forces. Visibility is obscured, and the column is traveling at a crawl. Suddenly, shots ring out from the bush – and mounted Herero troops spring their trap! A desperate fight, with Marines vs. Mounted, from the scenario book "The Herero War". More at: www.hererowars.com.

S-189 The Trenches of Onganjira (German South-West Africa, 1904)

Historical Period: Colonial

Time: Saturday, 10 AM;   Length: 4 hrs

No. of Players: 6 

GM: Roy Jones with Eric Alvarado

Scale: 25mm;   Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified)

The Germans aim to destroy Herero forces based in the Onganjira valley. The Hereros have blocked the valley at its narrowest section with a fortified trench line. As the Germans try to outflank the line, entrenched Hereros open fire and charge out! It's a melee, a gunfight, and everything in-between at the Trenches of Onganjira. From the scenario book "The Herero War". More at: www.hererowars.com.



Copyright  Dr. Roy S. Jones, Jr,  2006-2025