F-256 Battle at Hartebeestmund (German South-West Africa, 1905) 

Historical Period: Colonial

Time: Friday, 7 PM;   Length: 4 hrs

No. of Players: 6 

GM: Roy Jones 

Scale: 25mm;   Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified)

Sponsor: Recreational Conflict, Prize: Herero and German Miniatures

It’s a trap! Jakob Morenga, son of a Herero father and a Nama mother, and his Nama riflemen have been waiting for the Germans all along. And now the Germans are trapped between the hills and the river. It’s German Mausers, machine guns and cannon against concealed Nama rifles and Jakob Morenga’s guile, in a brutal struggle at Hartebeestmund. Whether German or Nama, no one’s coming out of this fight unscathed! From the forthcoming scenario book ‘The Nama Wars’. More at: www.hererowars.com. he Herero War is over - the Nama Wars have begun! The alliance between Nama leader Hendrik Witbooi and the Kaiser is shattered! A combined Nama force of Witbooi troops and those of Simon Kooper confront the Germans at Zwartfontein. The Germans have mobile mountain guns, but the Nama have some tricks of their own. From the forthcoming scenario book "The Nama Wars". More at: www.hererowars.com.

S: 332:18 Assault At Liewenberg: Hitting The Main Line! (German South- West Africa, 1904)

Historical Period: Colonial

Time: Saturday, 6 PM;   Length: 4 hrs

No. of Players: 6 

GM: Roy Jones

Scale: 25mm;   Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified)

Sponsor: Recreational Conflict,  Prize: Herero and German Miniatures

German sailors took a beating in their first assault at Liewenberg. But now the sailors have more men, high morale...and a Revolver cannon! Herero riflemen, however, still hold the high ground. And they fight concealed behind nearly impregnable rock. Somebody - German or Herero - is definitely going to get hurt at Liewenberg. From the scenario book "The Herero War". More at: www.hererowars.com.

Copyright  Dr. Roy S. Jones, Jr,  2006-2025