T-119  Ambush at Gross-Barmen (German South-West Africa, 1904)

Historical Period: Colonial                                                                        Time: Thursday, 7 PM;   Length: 4 hrs                                                          No. of Players:  6.                                                                                       GM: Roy Jones with Eric Alvarado                                                                Scale: 25mm;  Rules: The Sword and the Flame (Modified)                   Sponsor: Recreational Conflict 

German sailors from a Naval Landing Party march through a narrow defile. The Hereros wait in ambush, hidden in the boulder-strewn hills above. They realize that the Sanitation Carriage contains more than just medical supplies (maybe even cartridges!) The Herero plan: shoot the oxen, shoot the sailors, take the Carriage! From the new scenario book "The Herero War". More at www.hererowars.com.


F-116  Klein-Barmen: Rosenberg's Desperate Charge (German South-West Africa, 1904)

Historical Period: Colonial                                                                        Time: Friday, 7 PM;   Length: 4 hrs                                                             No. of Players:  6.                                                                                       GM: Roy Jones with Eric Alvarado                                                                Scale: 25mm;  Rules: The Sword and the Flame (Modified)                   Sponsor: Recreational Conflict 

Concealed Herero riflemen, firing from boulder fighting positions, have stymied the German attack at Klein-Barmen. In a desperate move, Leutnant von Rosenberg is ordered to take his 5th Feldkompagnie, dash across unprotected open ground, and take the Herero position by storm! From the new scenario book "The Herero War". More at: www.hererowars.com. 

S-118  Ordeal at Owikokorero (German South-West Africa, 1904)

Historical Period: Colonial                                                                        Time: Saturday, 7 PM;   Length: 4 hrs                                                             No. of Players:  6.                                                                                       GM: Roy Jones with Eric Alvarado                                                                Scale: 25mm;  Rules: The Sword and the Flame (Modified)                   Sponsor: Recreational Conflict 

It's a reconnaissance mission, but the Schutztruppen, machine gunners and Marines of the Recon Detachment are looking for a fight. So are Herero riflemen, expertly concealed in the bush. Can the Germans get in close, get their intel and get out alive, or will the Hereros annihilate the Recon Detachment? From the new scenario book "The Herero War".  More at: www.hererowars.com. 

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