F-329 - Assault at Liewenberg: The Main Line (German South-West Africa, 1904) 

Fri. 3:00 PM, 4 hrs, 4 players 

GM: Roy Jones with Eric Alvarado 

Sponsor: Falcon Miniatures, Prize: Gift Certificate 

Colonial 25mm, Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified) 

German sailors took a beating in their first assault at Liewenberg. But now 

they have more men, high morale - and a Revolver cannon! Herero riflemen, 

however, fight concealed behind nearly impregnable rock. Somebody - 

German or Herero - is definitely going to get hurt at Liewenberg. From the 

scenario book "The Herero War". See www.hererowars.com. 

S-328 - The Trenches of Onganjira (German South-West Africa, 1904)  

Sat. 10 AM, 4 hrs, 5 players 

GM: Roy Jones with Eric Alvarado

Sponsor: Falcon Miniatures, Prize: Gift Certificate 

Colonial 25mm, Rules: The Sword and the Flame (modified) 


The German Main Detachment is trying to destroy Herero forces based in the 

valley of the Onganjira. The Hereros have blocked the valley at its 

narrowest section with a fortified trench line. It's a melee, a gunfight, and

everything in-between at the Trenches of Onganjira! From the scenario book 

"The Herero War". More at: www.hererowars.com. 

Copyright  Dr. Roy S. Jones, Jr,  2006-2025